03 March 2025

Prof. Wang Maohua

Yesterday morning we received the sad news that Prof. Wang Maohua - Full Member of the “Club of Bologna” in the past – peacefully passed away on February 28, 2025 at the age of 93.

Prof. Maohua had over 60 years of experience in Agricultural Engineering and and he was a pioneer and leader in the construction of agricultural engineering and agricultural electrification and automation in China. Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor at China Agricultural University, he was also awarded many prizes and awards all over the world. He was called directly by Prof. Pellizzi to join the "Club of Bologna" to which always gave significant contributions, with suggestions and innovative ideas.

With him the field of Agricultural Engineering loses a great protagonist, a man with exceptional experience and knowledge in agricultural machinery and mechanization.
We will always remember him. May his soul rest in peace. 

Danilo Monarca – President, Marco Fiala - Secretary General, Fabio Ricci – Federunacoma Delegate, Patrizia Menicucci – Administrative Secretary

14 November 2024

Management Committee (MC) decisions (8 Nov 2024)

  • Management Committee (MC): according to CoB "Internal Rules" (art. 9, 11), FederUnacoma appointed the new CoB President, the new Members of the MC and the FederUnacoma Delegate inside the MC. President nominated the Secretary general. The mandateof the CoB management covers the period Nov 2024-Nov 2027
  • CoB Members: n.2 Full Members were deleted, due to their low attendance in past 5 and 10 years (excluding the Covid period). The 3 Pellizzi Prize 2024 finalistswere admitted to CoB (Lu Xun, Zixuan He, Xin Tian). Congratulation to all these young researchers who – for five years – will be hosted in CoB and will participate to all its activities. Currently, the total number of CoB members is 107
  • Internal Rules: no changes have been made to the current text.
  • 34th CoB Members' Meeting: will be held in Bari (Italy, October 2025), in occasion of “Agrilevante” exhibition. The data will be defined by FederUnacoma in next weeks
  • Study Group (SG): a new SG was defined (Relationship between Research and Ag-Machinery industry), and Giuseppe Gavioli will coordinate it
  • Pellizzi Prize: for the next edition of the award (2026), the values assigned to each assessment criterion have been changed (Level of originality and innovation compared to the present technologies: 30; Real possibility to transfer the innovation into the market: 25; Resulting benefits for agriculture and farmers: 25; Quality and clearness of the presented Ph.D. Extended Abstract: 20)

Marco Fiala - Secretary General

12 November 2024

CoB: new President and new Management Committee !!

According to the CoB’s Internal Rules, FederUnacoma appointed - for the period November 2024 - November 2027 - the new President of the "Club of Bologna" and the new Management Committee.

Presidency was assumed by Danilo Monarca (Univesity "la Tuscia", Viterbo - Italy), who appointed as Secretary General Marco Fiala (University "La Statale" of Milan - Italy).

Management Committee (MC) is now composed of: Giuseppe Gavioli (ITA), Paolo Gay (ITA), Roberto Oberti (ITA), Peter Schulze-Lammers (DEU), Peter Pickel (DEU), Deun Choi (USA), Spyros Fountas (GRC), Benno Pichelaimer (DEU). The FederUnacoma Delegate in the MC is: Fabio Ricci (ITA).

As Invited Members, the Past Presidents are also part of the MC: Ettore Gasparetto (ITA), Luigi Bodria (ITA) and Paolo Balsari (ITA).

A big and heartfelt thanks to the previous President and MC Members and a wish for fruitful work to the new!

Marco Fiala - Secretary General

11 November 2024

33rd Members' Meeting: documentation online!!

The 333d Members' Meeting of the "Club of Bologna" ended yesterday and was very successful in terms of participation (73 in total) and presentations of 9 excellent Key-Note Reports, around which there were interesting discussions. The three discussed subjects were:

  • Session 1Value creation by public funding of research, development and innovation
  • Session 2 – Biodiversity and regenerative agriculture: impact and relevance for farming. Challenges and opportunity for ag-mechanization and technology
  • Session 3Specialized Mechanization: Technologies for grassland management

In the section "MEETINGS PROCEEDINGS" you can already read and download all the documents presented during the two working days.

In the section"PELLIZZI PRIZE/Previous Editions/2024", the presentations of the three finalists of the "Pellizzi Prize 2024" and the Award Ceremony have been also uploaded.

Marco Fiala - Secretary General

07 March 2024

Club of Bologna - Linkedin Group

The "Club of Bologna" Linkedin Group was designed!
Follow the group! You will to be always updated!

Marco Fiala - CoB Secretary General

Click here to see!

The Club of Bologna is a free association founded by FederUnacoma under the auspices of CIGR and in close collaboration with FAO, UNIDO and Accademia dei Georgofili, with the goal to convene, almost once a year, the highest international experts on mechanization in order to discuss subjects of a pre-eminent importance for the development of the agricultural machinery sector.