Meeting Agenda |  |
Session 0Opening Session |
Club of Bologna President Opening Statement Balsari P. (President - Italy) |
Session 1Value creation by public funding of research, development and innovation (Chairman: Peter Pickel; Rapporteur: Hao Gan) |
International trends for the European RD&I landscape Lynch A. (Irish Manufacturing Research, IMR - IRE) |
EIT Food - Catalyst for the transformation of our food system Domingo E. (European Institute Innovation&Technology Food - GER) |
R&D opportunities for industrial companies with US grants Singh B. (IEEE IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity ans John Deere - USA) |
Session Report Gan H. (Rapporteur - USA), Pickel P. (Chairman - GER) |
Session 2Biodiversity and regenerative agriculture: impact and relevance for farming. Challenges and opportunity for ag-mechanization and technology (Chairman: Benno Pichlmaier; Rapporteur: Xin Zhang) |
Moving towards the preservation and improvement of biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems Basch G. (MED - Agriculture, Environment and Development, University of Évora - POR) |
Initial steps to consider biodiversity and ecosystem services in a sustainability strategy Feligini G. (CNH) |
Navigating the transition to regenerative agriculture with digital solutions Fröhlich P. (Agricircle - CHE) |
Session Report Zhang X. (Rapporteur - USA), Pichlmaier B. (Chairman - DEU) |
Session 3Specialized Mechanization: Technologies for grassland management (Chairman: Paolo Balsari; Rapporteur: Lazar Savin) |
Introduction into permanent grassland management Thurner S. (Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture - GER) |
The frontiers of forage mechanization at the service of efficient livestock systems in a Climate Smart Agriculture strategy Gronauer A., Mazzetto F., (Univ. Bolzano - ITA) |
Forage implements solutions, trend and vision Tard J., Mayer V., Cera P. (KHUN) |
Session Report Savin L. (Rapporteur - SCG); Balsari P. (Chairman - ITA) |
Session 4Closing Session |
Club of Bologna President Final statement Balsari P. (CoB President - Italy) |
Club of Bologna Incoming President Statement Monarca D. (CoB Incoming President - Italy) |
Meeting Key-Note Reports Extended Abstracts |  |
Meeting Participants (Final List) Fiala M. (CoB SG) |  |
Meeting KEY-SENTENCES (empty .docx form. Please, download the file, type your Key-Senteces and mail to Secretary General) |  |
Subjects proposals for future CoB Members' Meeting, empty .docx form (please, download the file, type your proposals and mail to Secretary General) |  |