
02 July 2024

"Giuseppe Pellizzi Prize 2024 - V Edition": Applicants and Ph.D. abstract

The deadline (31 May 2024) for the submission of applications has expired and the applicants for the 5th edition of the prize are twelve:

Dr. Lu Xun (CHI); Dr. Vinay Kumar (IND); Dr.  Lokesh_Kumawat (AUS); Dr. Ilwar Singh Parihar (IND); Dr. Alessio Tugnolo (ITA); Dr. Xin Tian (USA); Dr. Lirong Xiang (USA); Dr. Chetan Badgujar (USA); Dr. Yallappa D (IND); Dr. Zixuan He (USA); Dr. Andrea Pagliai (ITA); Dr. Chenchen Kang (USA).

The Abstracts of their PhD theses are online at the section "Pellizzi Prize, Previuos Editions, year 2024". By next 30 July, the winners will be announced.
During the Award Ceremony (10 November 20, Bologna, EIMA International, in occasion of 33rd CoB Members' Meeting, 9-10 November 2024) a brief presentation of the thesis will be given by the Winners.

Marco Fiala - Secretary General

07 March 2024

Club of Bologna - Linkedin Group

The "Club of Bologna" Linkedin Group was designed!
Follow the group! You will to be always updated!

Marco Fiala - CoB Secretary General

Click here to see!

14 November 2023

Management Committee (MC) decisions (11 Nov 2023, Hannover- Germany)

  • Management Committee (MC) list: no variation. Current President and MC  Members will end their mandate on November 2024. According to CoB "Internal Rules" (art. 9, 11), Federunacoma will nominate the new MC Members and President too
  • Full Members (FM) list: n.1 FM, who passed away (Bill Stout), was deleted, n.3 FM were definitively excluded due to their retirement or low attendance to CoB activities (see "CoB 2023 Annual Report",  "DOCUMENTS" section), n.6 new FM were admitted (Troy Arnold Jensen – AUS, Shinya Kawashiri – JAP, Stanislav Khalin – UKR, Dares Kittiyopas – THA, Saidi S. Mkomwa – KEN, Salah Sukkarieh - AUS). In addition, the n.4 "Pellizzi Winners 2018" (Dana Choi, Marco Grella, Antonio Miranda, Andrii Yatskul), were nominated CoB FM. Congratulation to all the new FM! ...and good work inside the club!
  • Internal Rules: no variation
  • 33rd Members' meeting: will be held in Bologna (Italy), 9-10 November 2024, during "EIMA International". The Subjects to discuss will be: S1 - Value creation by public funding of research, development and innovation;   S2 - Biodiversity: real needs, problems to achieving it and the role of agricultural mechanization; S3 - Specific Mechanization: machinery for hay making and silage
  • CoB Linkedin profile: just opened, it is already running. Have a look and... join it to keep up to date!
  • Pellizzi Prize: the V Edition of the Award will be organized in 2024. Award Ceremony on 10th November 2024 during 33rd CoB Memebers' Meeting. Notice and Forms are dowloading at "PELLIZZI PRIZE" section
  • Study Groups (SGR): A fifth SGR was formed "Improve the relationship between Universities/Public Research Centers and agricultural machinery industry", coordinated by the FM Marco Ramm

Marco Fiala - Secretary General