Member Card

Karl Th. Renius

Membership start year 1989
Type FM
Role Member (data updating: 2021)
Institution / Organization / Company U&R | Technical Univ. Munich (TUM), Campus Garching
Still in charge No
Address Johann-Strauss-Str. 46, 85598 Baldham - 85748, Garching
Institution / Organization website
International call phone +4981064175

Research activities key-words

  • Agricultural machinery and mechanization - (all topics)
  • Tests and standards - (all topics)
  • Tractors, engines and mechanic components - (all topics)


Publication 1
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl. Th.
TITLE: Fundamentals of Tractor Design (Book)
YEAR: 2019
REFERENCES: Cham: Springer

Publication 2
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl Th.
TITLE: 75 Conferences on Agricultural Engineering – a Great Period of Innovations
YEAR: 2017
REFERENCES: In: VDI-Berichte 2300, 1-8. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2017.

Publication 3
AUTHOR: Bodria, L., M. Fiala und K.Th. Renius
TITLE: The Club of Bologna
YEAR: 2016
REFERENCES: In: The 25 Years of the Club of Bologna, 10-23. Rome: FEDERUNACOMA

Publication 4
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl Th.
TITLE: Tractor innovations and sustainability.
YEAR: 2009
REFERENCES: Key note speech Club of Bologna, 20th Meeting, Hannover 8.11.2009.

Publication 5
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl Th. and R. Resch
TITLE: Continously Variable Tractor Transmissions (Booklet)
YEAR: 2005
REFERENCES: ASAE Lecture Series No. 29. St.Joseph, MI: 2005

Publication 6
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl Th.
TITLE: Global Tractor Development: Product Families and Technology Levels
YEAR: 2002
REFERENCES: Actual Tasks on Agric. Engng. Opatiya 12.-15.03.2002, Proceed. 97-95.

Publication 7
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl Th.
TITLE: Trends in Tractor Development, West European View.
YEAR: 2000
REFERENCES: ICAME ‘2000,13-16.11.2000 Seoul. Proceedings Vol. I, 31-52.

Publication 8
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl Th.
TITLE: Tractors: Two Axle Tractors
YEAR: 1999
REFERENCES: In: CIGR Handbook of Agric. Engng. Vol III, pages 115-184. ASABE

Publication 9
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl Th.
TITLE: Tractor transmission developments
YEAR: 1994
REFERENCES: XII CIGR World Congr. Agric. Engng. Milano 1994. Proc. Vol. 2, 1167-1174

Publication 10
AUTHOR: Renius, Karl Th.
TITLE: Trends in Tractor Design with Particular Reference to Europe
YEAR: 1994
REFERENCES: J. Agric. Engng Res. 57 (1994) No. 1, 3-22