Member Card

Abraham Gamliel

Membership start year 2021
Type FM
Role Member (as Fed/Ass/Org Delegate) (data updating: 04/08/2022)
Institution / Organization / Company ORG | Agricultural Research Organization Volcani Center
Still in charge Yes
Address HaMaccabim Rd. 68; POB 15159 - 7528809 Rishon LeZion
Institution / Organization website
International call phone +97239683452
Scientific database

Research activities key-words

  • Agricultural machinery and mechanization - field crop sprayers
  • Agricultural machinery and mechanization - mist blowers
  • Agricultural machinery and mechanization - Pesticide application equipment


Publication 1
AUTHOR: Gullino, M L. Gamliel A., Fletcher J and Stack J. P
TITLE: Crop Biosecurity: Assuring Our Global Food Supply
YEAR: 2008
REFERENCES: Springer, Netherlands, 150 pages
Publication 2
AUTHOR: Gamlie A., Katan J.
TITLE: Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice
YEAR: 2012
REFERENCES: APS Press, St. Paul, MN USA 266 pages
Publication 3
AUTHOR: Rubin, B. and Gamliel, A.
TITLE: Soil Solarization: a sustainable method for weed management
YEAR: 2017
REFERENCES: Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture
Publication 4
AUTHOR: Gamliel A
TITLE: Soil and substrate health
YEAR: 2020
REFERENCES: Integrated pest and Disease Management In Greenhouse Crops 691 pages
Publication 5
AUTHOR: Keren, D., Ashkenazi Y., Gamliel, A., Lapid, A., and Nir, Y
TITLE: Polyethylene films and sleeves for agriculture: Films for mulching and low tunnels
YEAR: 1999
REFERENCES: Israeli Standard No. 821 part II. The Standard Institution of Israel, Tel Aviv
Publication 6
AUTHOR: Gamliel, A., Riven, Y., Austerweil, M., Steiner, B.,  Ben Zvi, R., Steren, S., and. Ucko, O.
TITLE: Advances in application of pesticides in date palm trees.
YEAR: 2008
REFERENCES: Aspects of Applied Biology, 77:(179-185)
Publication 7
AUTHOR: Gamliel, A., Riven, Y., Steiner, B.,  and Klein, E
TITLE: Development of a self-propelled sprayer for transplants on raised tables in nursery greenhouses
YEAR: 2014
REFERENCES: Aspects of Applied Biology, 122 (309-314)
Publication 8
AUTHOR: Gamliel, A., Riven, and Benichis M
TITLE: Development of a sprayer with a variable air duct dimensions for effective pest management in orchard trees
YEAR: 2018
REFERENCES: Aspects of Applied Biology, 137 (77-83)