Member Card
Lazar Savin

Membership start year | 2018 |
Type | FM |
Role | Member (data updating: 2021) |
Institution / Organization / Company | U&R | Univ. Novi Sad, Fac. Agriculture |
Still in charge | Yes |
Address | Trg Dositeja Obradovica 8 - 21000, Novi Sad |
Country | SERBIA |
Institution / Organization website | | | |
International call phone | +381214853256 |
Scientific database | |
Research activities key-words
- Agricultural machinery and mechanization - agricultural mechanization
- Energy - biofuels
- Tests and standards - OECD tractor & protective structures codes
Publication 1
AUTHOR: Tomi? M, Savin L., Simikic M, Kis F, Keselj K, Ivanisevic M, Zoranovic M, Sedlar, A.
TITLE: Effects of biodiesel on changes in IC engine performances: A long-term experiment with farm tractors
YEAR: 2021
REFERENCES: Fuel 292,120300
Publication 2
AUTHOR: Dedovic N, Matic-Kekic S, Tomic M, Simikic M, Savin L.
TITLE: Application of integer and mixed-integer programming on the facility location problem with equal capacities
YEAR: 2020
REFERENCES: SISY 2020 - IEEE 18th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings 9217097, pp. 167-174
Publication 3
AUTHOR: Jablonický J, Opálený P, Uhrinová D, Tulík J, Savin L.
TITLE: Influence of ecological fluid on the wet disc brake system of the tractor
YEAR: 2019
REFERENCES: TAE 2019 - Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2019 pp. 218-224
Publication 4
AUTHOR: Tomic M, DJurisic-Mladenovi? N, Micic R, Simikic M, Savin L.
TITLE: Effects of accelerated oxidation on the selected fuel properties and composition of biodiesel
YEAR: 2019
REFERENCES: Fuel 235, pp. 269-276
Publication 5
AUTHOR: Kostic M, Rakic D, Radomirovi? D, Savin L, Dedovic N, Crnojevic V, Ljubicic Natasa:
TITLE: Corn seeding process fault cause analysis based on a theoretical and experimental approach
YEAR: 2018
REFERENCES: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 151, pp. 207-218
Publication 6
AUTHOR: Simikic M, Tomic M, Savin L, Micic R, Ivanisevic I, Ivanisevic M.
TITLE: Influence of biodiesel on the performances of farm tractors: Experimental testing in stationary and non-stationary conditions
YEAR: 2018
REFERENCES: Renewable Energy 121, pp. 677-687
Publication 7
AUTHOR: Kostic M, Rakic D, Savin, L, Dedovic N, Simikic M.
TITLE: Application of an original soil tillage resistance sensor in spatial prediction of selected soil properties
YEAR: 2016
REFERENCES: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127, pp. 615-624
Publication 8
AUTHOR: Tomic M, Savin L, Micic R, Simikic M, Furman T.
TITLE: Possibility of using biodiesel from sunflower oil as an additive for the improvement of lubrication properties of low-sulfur diesel fuel
YEAR: 2014
REFERENCES: Energy 65, pp. 101-108
Publication 9
AUTHOR: Savin L, Matic-Kekic S, Dedovic N, Simikic M, Tomic M.
TITLE: Profit maximisation algorithm including the loss of yield due to uncertain weather events during harvest
YEAR: 2014
REFERENCES: Biosystems Engineering 123, pp. 56-67
Publication 10
AUTHOR: Simikic M, Dedovic N, Savin L, Tomic M, Ponjican O.
TITLE: Power delivery efficiency of a wheeled tractor at oblique drawbar force
YEAR: 2014
REFERENCES: Soil and Tillage Research 141, pp. 32-43